Conjugation of Verbs
Lesson 06 Lesson 07 Lesson 08 Lesson 09 Lesson 10
To conjugate a verb we need to use a root plus personal pronoun(s). The latter have two set of forms. The ones you want to use independently or in front of the verbs, and those you want to use after the conjugated verb. The second set is always needed whereas you can delete the first set.
Present tense: Your choice of the “verb-root” determines the tense of the action required. The first set of roots is used to make the present tense: Frontal pronoun + Mi + Root 1 + Anterior pronoun = Present tense
Past tense: The first set of roots is used to make the present tense: Frontal pronoun + Root 2 + Anterior pronoun = Present tense
Lesson 06 Lesson 07 Lesson 08 Lesson 09 Lesson 10